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English for work in an IT company

Courses for developers, testers and other professionals who would like to improve their professional skills

Learn and practice only the skills you need for the job

  • simulation of working in an IT team in English

  • agile meeting training: daily, planning and retrospective

  • individual recommendations and development plan after the intensive

Intensive English training in a mini-group awaits you

Everyone will practice participating in and leading agile team meetings. Everything is like at work in an IT company

Online meeting

Daily stand-ups.
How to talk about what has been done and plans for the working day. 


Working with colleagues.
You will learn how to talk about your proposal, discuss new features or bugs

Image by Campaign Creators

Conferences and workshops
Listening comprehension and speaking practice

Image by Christina @

How to tell about yourself, ask questions to the employer and discuss conditions

Group Therapy Session

Code review and feedback
How to respond to comments, argue your decision and discuss ideas

Team Talk

informal conversations
You will learn how to talk about yourself, discuss the news and understand the stories of colleagues

Who is this course for?

Do you want to start working in an IT company?

Do you want to improve your skills?

minimum level of language proficiency A2

After completing the intensive you will be able to

Communicate confidently in work situations

You will be able to pass interviews in English

Want to learn or consult?

Our specialists will tell you more about the course and answer your questions.

Course fee

449 €

Paying for the course immediately

24 lessons of 1 hour

Relevant Skills for the Job

Checking homework

Course Completion Certificate

The course can be paid in installments

You can study with a referral from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (Töötukassa)

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